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And Then Three Come at Once

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Natural Self 2

And Then Three Come at Once

Posted on Thu 9th Mar, 2006, 4:13pm

ISO: 200, Shutter speed: 1/320, Aperture: f/2.8,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Minor,
Lens: Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM, Focal length: 100mm,
Captured: 8th March 2006, 3:00pm,

This was taken yesterday and I'm quite happy with how it's turned out. At first I thought the guy in the middle was a distraction but when I looked at the photo properly I thought the fact that he was out of focus just helped to concentrate attention on the old couple even more.

The guy leaning against the wall in the background adds something to the shot too, but I don't know why. I just like it.

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Richard, Thu 9th Mar, 2006, 4:18pm
I really like this shot. It's as if its showing you two divisions, young and old.

chris, Thu 9th Mar, 2006, 5:01pm
i like this, it makes to old couple appear to be looking at the man out of focus like a giant

Jamey, Thu 9th Mar, 2006, 5:03pm
Heh. Yeah it does. Should've called it 'Gulliver's Bus Stop' or something.

headline, Thu 9th Mar, 2006, 8:22pm
worlds oldest conjoined twins in last moments before being devoured by local giant.

Matthew, Thu 9th Mar, 2006, 10:43pm
They look kind of scared to me, as if they're wishing society was how it used to be. Nice capture.

Danielle, Fri 10th Mar, 2006, 12:48am
This is a really pretty shot. I love the softness of the image. It almost looks HDR or something.

Marvelon, Sat 11th Mar, 2006, 6:40pm
Excellent photo. Love the old couple's expressions.

d, Mon 16th Jun, 2008, 3:15pm
gd 1.

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