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Through the Cracks

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Through the Cracks

Posted on Fri 7th Apr, 2006, 2:37pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/800, Aperture: f/5.6,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Minor,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 30th March 2006, 4:05pm,

I think I've been spending far too long processing shots recently so this one was done fairly quickly. It's another shot from Coney Island and is a small section of a long, painted wall which has seen better days.

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Jeff Metal, Fri 7th Apr, 2006, 2:48pm
It's nice - but where are the pics of all the trainers you bought and the friendly staff at Supreme??

Jamey, Fri 7th Apr, 2006, 2:53pm
There's actually no point in Supreme having any staff. They should just have a robot that kicks you to death if you say anything.

SysAgent, Sat 8th Apr, 2006, 1:52am
Getting even more like Djn here Jamey mate (I know he is your hero)... Nice use of colour range and image material, just looks like it could be a little bit more sharper to me.

Jonathan, Sat 8th Apr, 2006, 9:16am
Good range of colours and clever subject, nice one.

boutillot-cauquil, Sun 9th Apr, 2006, 3:32pm
je fais à peu près le même genre de photos mais j'aime beaucoup votre photo felicitation

Mark, Mon 10th Apr, 2006, 8:19pm
I like it Jamey, good colours and texture. I can't agree with SysAgent when he likens it to a djn shot though - I certainly don't associate this kind of image with djn at all.

Jamey, Mon 10th Apr, 2006, 8:54pm
Yeah, same. I dunno what he's on about, rambling old Sys ;)

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