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First Lap

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Untitled #26

First Lap

Posted on Fri 29th Sep, 2006, 3:22pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/5, Aperture: f/20,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: None,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 26th September 2006, 11:18am,

John Washington has been posting quite a few motion-blurred images recently and they've inspired me to try a few of my own (thank you John).

This was taken in Munich and there's another one to accompany it which I'll put up tomorrow.

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jt, Fri 29th Sep, 2006, 5:28pm
I have been watching John's site for those shots. I like the style. This is a neat shot J. I have been messing with motion a bit too as you know. Isn't is fun? Can't wait to see the next one.

Jamey, Fri 29th Sep, 2006, 5:29pm
It's fun when it works :) ...The results can be quite unpredictable. Things that you thought looked boring look good when given some motion and vice versa.

chris, Fri 29th Sep, 2006, 6:19pm
really like the processing and the way the baby sems to be staring towards the camera

Jonathan, Fri 29th Sep, 2006, 8:35pm
Ghostly image, like the way the guys top half is all there but the bottom looks like its missing. Looks good.

Jon, Fri 29th Sep, 2006, 9:55pm
I've also seen them on JW's site and I think some of them have been fab. I like the high key feel to this one, it gives it makes it seem ghostly (as Jonathan pointed out).

micki, Sat 30th Sep, 2006, 4:58am
Wow! Congratulations, that is an awesome shot. Looks like the inspiration really paid off!

Jide Alakija, Sat 30th Sep, 2006, 10:18am
Ab interesting take on motion blur, I think I prefer your slant to JW's though.

Sysagent, Sun 1st Oct, 2006, 4:21pm
I like it... It looks almost cinema like in its appearance.

milou, Sun 1st Oct, 2006, 7:21pm
I wasn't sure at first if I liked this. I think it was the "crinkled" lines in the immediate background so I left it for a couple of days. Coming back, there is, as Russ says, a sense of cinema about if. There's tension in the child/crossing/approaching car which adds to the movement.

groovyf, Mon 2nd Oct, 2006, 8:38am
Done a good job here, Jamey. I thin kwhat makes it appeal more to me is how the zebra crossing stands out against all that movement

kurt, Mon 2nd Oct, 2006, 8:23pm
great one. very nicely captured. and the subtle color treatment is perfect as well.

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