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Back Then #3

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Back Then #4

Back Then #3

Posted on Wed 25th Oct, 2006, 8:33pm

ISO: N/A, Shutter speed: N/A, Aperture: N/A,
Camera: N/A, Flash: N/A, Cropping: N/A,
Lens: N/A, Focal length: N/A,
Captured: N/A,

"I've no idea what they were supposed to be but it was either a fancy dress evening or talent night at the holiday camp. My guess is that they were dressed as a girl singing group - plaits and all. From the right: my Uncle Ernie, My lovely Dad and my cousin's husband (who is still with us and I hope he doesn't see this pic) and far left I've no idea.

"The Chalet in the background was pretty basic, as you can see, and we had to go along the row to get to a toilet. But nonetheless with only one week's holiday per year we all made sure we had plenty of fun and laughs and always looked forward to doing it all again the next year."

- Karole

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M-UK, Wed 25th Oct, 2006, 9:09pm
heh, really like this!

Jon, Wed 25th Oct, 2006, 10:14pm
Shame your dad's eyes are closed, but it doesn't take anything away from the mood.

Sysagent, Wed 25th Oct, 2006, 10:21pm
LOL are they all drunk or something? Looks like they was out to make a night of it tho...

Dan, Thu 26th Oct, 2006, 12:46pm
its great that its possible to scan old shots and include them in our brave new world of blogging. I bet they had a great night :)

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