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Untitled #39

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Fresh Air

Untitled #39

Posted on Fri 8th Dec, 2006, 4:33pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/125, Aperture: f/10,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Square,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 21st October 2006, 11:57pm,

Another one I'm not madly enamoured with. Don't have my camera at the moment so I'm not sure what the quality will be like over the next week or so.

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Mal, Fri 8th Dec, 2006, 9:01pm
This is really good stuff Jamey. Mal

micki, Sat 9th Dec, 2006, 12:21am
You really got that sky dark!! Love that.

milou, Sat 9th Dec, 2006, 12:48am
I know it's looking up the side of a building towards the infinite blue but 2.83% of me thinks I'm actually looking down into an abyss and that makes my toes tingle. I think it's those central pipes (central from a focus viewpoint). Also love the little catch of cloud reflected on the building.

M-UK, Sat 9th Dec, 2006, 9:40am
Greats shot. Like the reflected cloud on the left of the image

Sysagent, Sun 10th Dec, 2006, 10:20am
I don't mind this shot mate, it looks good with plenty of details to keep you interested.

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