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Duneness #3

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Dungeness #4

Duneness #3

Posted on Mon 16th Apr, 2007, 8:37pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: Various, Aperture: f/16,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Minor,
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC HSM, Focal length: 14mm,
Captured: 6th April 2007, 6:47pm,

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Jonathan, Mon 16th Apr, 2007, 8:48pm
Nice feel to another industrial shot, love the soft sky.

Jide Alakija, Mon 16th Apr, 2007, 8:50pm
This is pure fine art. I really like this stuff Jamey.

Jon Swainson, Mon 16th Apr, 2007, 9:32pm
I like the way the composition leads us into the sunset. Very nice.

BobC, Tue 17th Apr, 2007, 12:01am
This is seriously the march of the killer robots! Mechwarriors watch out!

groovyf, Tue 17th Apr, 2007, 11:44am
Same thinking as BobC... I 'm picturing Daleks approaching the building.

milou, Tue 17th Apr, 2007, 5:38pm
Jamey in f/16 shocker. A fine sky and great handling of the subject.

MarkP, Tue 17th Apr, 2007, 6:54pm
Some people say power stations are big ugly things, but we'd be stuffed without them, and sometimes they can be captured in a light that actually makes them quite striking. Good effort on this one.

Jeff Metal, Wed 18th Apr, 2007, 10:52am
This one is pure heat!

Sysagent, Wed 18th Apr, 2007, 12:45pm
I know you knock the Sigma 10-20mm lens but here it looks to be doing the business (as in the previous shots), this is not to say the Canon would be any better (who knows). But this shot just has something to it that only lenses of that focal length can do right.

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