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WY 485

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Untitled #56

WY 485

Posted on Tue 24th Apr, 2007, 11:57pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/160, Aperture: f/4,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: None,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 21st April 2007, 7:00am,

I finally got round to processing a couple of Whitby shots. This is the only photo from my morning trip to the fish market that I liked.

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BobC, Wed 25th Apr, 2007, 8:08am
i do like the processing here, is it some sort of cross processing you've done? Nice triangular shape.

Jamey, Wed 25th Apr, 2007, 12:30pm
There's not a huge amount of colour processing, actually. There's a big saturation boost and a slight shift towards pink and yellow but not as big as you might think.

Dan, Wed 25th Apr, 2007, 3:23pm
I like this Jamey, the light is lovely

Jonathan, Wed 25th Apr, 2007, 7:22pm
It looks nice and soft, yarr me hearties!

Eth, Thu 26th Apr, 2007, 10:01am
I was stumbling down to the pier at 7am and noticed, well how can you not notice Jamey, this forlorn figure waiting for them to open up. The colours look spot on for that time. I have a picture of a seagull with the same background hues. Nice one.

Jon Swainson, Thu 26th Apr, 2007, 7:56pm
Love the colouring. Great pastel tones.

milou, Fri 27th Apr, 2007, 8:57am
The colour should suggest warmth but there's a cold feeling. Might be to do with the lack of shadow that's often expected at sunrise. I always like the "jumble" of angles that's associated with fishing vessels - the "chaoticness".

Sysagent, Sat 28th Apr, 2007, 9:12am
Lovely light and its nice to see it used on one of your photos :P As Dave says they do grab your eyes due to the mass of angles etc.

Luisa, Tue 1st May, 2007, 11:48pm
A bit dissapointing after the other four shots.

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