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Metalfingerz Speedboat #1

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Metalfingerz Speedboat #2

Metalfingerz Speedboat #1

Posted on Sun 12th Oct, 2008, 9:38pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/250, Aperture: f/8,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: Off-camera, Cropping: None,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 12th October 2008, 8:45am,

I've been a bit lazy about blogging and photography in general recently, but today, for the first time in ages, I thoroughly enjoyed it again and got some shots I'm really happy with.

Jeff and I went to Dungeness and among other things we found this incredible old speedboat, so of course we had to do some shots of ourselves enjoying the high life.

We went through quite a few different poses and ideas and generally mucked about to our hearts content. You can see the rest of the series on Flickr if you want to check out the other poses.

Plus there's at least one more boat shot that I'll blog and add to Flickr and Facebook in due course, when it goes up here.

Oh and that old telly will be featuring in a few more shots too. That was Jeff's find.

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Jide Alakija, Mon 13th Oct, 2008, 1:59am
This is awesome dude....please more like this.

t-photo, Tue 14th Oct, 2008, 12:16pm
Nice one mate. Great lighting, makes me want to get out there and do more 'on location' stuff. I got that SB24 syncing with my other flash, I'm well happy with it.

milou, Thu 16th Oct, 2008, 11:56pm

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