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One-Man Band

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One-Man Band

Posted on Sun 18th Dec, 2005, 5:58pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/60, Aperture: f/3.5,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: None,
Lens: Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC, Focal length: 50mm,
Captured: 17th December 2005, 2:26pm,

Bex and I were having a pub lunch when we saw this chap start playing his assortment of instruments and dancing around outside in the market. Then a passing old lady started dancing around too.

I began to curse the fact that I'd left my camera in the car but when we left we saw he was with a tombola stall, raising money for a local school. So I went back to the car, got the camera, bought a ticket, won a mini Christmas cake and asked if I could take some pictures of him.

Rather stupidly I didn't keep an eye on the shutter speed (mostly 1/60) and it was only when I got home I saw that it wasn't really quick enough because the guy was dancing around. That's why I chose a closer shot rather than one which showed off his whole get-up.

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milou, Sun 18th Dec, 2005, 6:06pm
What a shot! Excellent focus there too me old mucker. Good sharp eyes and a smile too. Suspect he's a morris dancer on his days off....

HarryP, Sun 18th Dec, 2005, 6:16pm
I think the shot works well, a longer shot would have diluted the emotion. Nice one.

roger melley, Fri 6th Jan, 2006, 3:44pm
more pics of old men playing with there instrument please

edumubArtedge, Mon 21st Sep, 2009, 1:11pm
Hi it s a test

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